Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother’s Day again in Paradise…..

Since our ward was split we arrive about 20 minutes after the Motootua 1st ward ends. There are not many places to park (six spots in front of the building and about 12 in back). So we park on the street and walk. Here is Gramma headed to church ahead of me. You can see the bus loaded with people ready to leave. The old Bishop (Jessop) still takes one of his buses and picks up members for church. 

Traffic is beginning to be a real problem for Samoa and especially for Apia. Between 8:00 and 9:30 in the morning it is bumper to bumper.

The last night for the Layne’s was at their favorite Chinese eatery. Here they are next to the Stonehockers. The next couple are the Mangum’s. They are the Dentist couple that is helping out until the Layne’s permanent replacement comes in August. Then the next couple is Elder and Sister Shaifermeyer, they are the new technology specialists.

The Stonehocker’s dropped by our office for a visit. They were here to say good-bye to the Layne’s. We have a good conference on all the important issues with the ITEP program.

Mother’s Day in Samoa is a big deal. Gramma Hammond thinks it is as big as Christmas. They started on Friday with a short school day, a short assembly and program honoring all the teachers that are mothers and giving them a gift.

This is a picture of Gramma and Sister Va’aulu. She is head of the English Department and by the end of this month will be one of our teachers earning her ITEP Teaching Certificate.

They then had a special Stake program where the mothers of the different wards performed. Saturday they had an early breakfast for all the mothers of our ward. Then there will be a special Sacrament meeting for mothers, and then Sunday afternoon a special fireside honoring mother’s. On top of that, Monday is a national holiday so everyone can rest up from all their activities. Gramma was asked to dance with our ward for their part of the program. They practiced little and Gramma was not sure exactly of all the moves, but she is a performer and was a big hit. We waited for the program to start. The two little girls are Daisy’s and Nozzi’s daughters. The 4th picture is Nozzi’s girl with her mother’s Tina Turner wig on.

They hurried down stairs to practice just before curtain call.

The ward before ours was a nice traditional island number. Then Gramma’s group, did a "traditional" rock n’ roll number. (Notice Gramma, below on the second picture is still getting instructions).

The Audience loved it all! 

And here are the Motootua Lua (2nd) stars of the show! 

This coming week Elder and Sister Spencer visit us from New Zealand. Several of our classes are in the last couple of weeks of instruction, and then it is tests, papers/projects, and grades, at least for those classes. We have to speak at the Institute of Religion at the University on Friday, so things never seem to slow down. We love you, pray the Lord will bless you each day, and miss you. Do what is right! Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma Hammond.

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