Saturday, May 30, 2015

Another week flies by and shakes at the end……..

Gramma had a birthday Tuesday and we were so busy wrapping up tests, assignments, and finals that it was late before we went out for a birthday dinner. She was craving a salad so off to one of the senior couple’s popular restaurants. 

The Final for EDU 300 was on Tuesday at Pesega and Thursday for Sauniatu. We had one student absent at each school so it has delayed turning in grades for those classes. 

The rope came off the flag pole at Sauniatu so I caught this little guy climbing to the top to reconnect the rope. It must be about 30 feet in the air. I guess about the same as climbing a large palm tree to get coconuts.

We use to have a seven passenger van, now we have a seven passenger Tucson. We take many of the teachers at Sauniatu home after class. We had one in the trunk (Pati, he is a teacher and the Bishop of the Falefa ward). Three in the back seat, and they are rather large ladies, and three in the front. Gramma set on a small pillow on the gear shift. The first lady out was next to Gramma and it is a good thing, sitting like that is not good for a senior sister’s body. 

There were three long stake choir practices this week getting ready to sing Sunday night at the big Catholic Church in Apia. Gramma and Daisy are accompanying the choir and went down to the church to check out the piano (keyboard) situation.

They had the national spelling bee finals at Pesega. TV Three was there and it was pretty exciting. We never did hear who won, but Pesega was doing very good when we left.

We met the Gillette’s (the new TVET couple from Gooding) this week and took them to get their drivers licenses. We then showed them the school and introduced them to the principal. We know a lot of the same people back in Idaho that they do, it is a small world. They are enthused and ready to go to work. The only problem is this is Samoa and they have a holiday Monday and Tuesday so you can’t get to excited yet. We have a lot of paper work to do, so we will have some things to do during the holiday, but we hope to get some time off and get caught up on our rest. We have been a little under the weather and the rest will do us good. We were jolted this morning with an earthquake. It shook the bed and woke us up. They have had several while we have been here, but it seemed to be the strongest. We love you and miss you. It is hard to believe that after today we only have three more Sundays in Samoa. Be good and do as you know you should. God bless you, Gramma and Grampa Hammond

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