Saturday, April 18, 2015

Service to others…….

Not many pictures this week. After you have been in on this beautiful island for a while you come to under appreciate its beauty and don’t take as many pictures as you probably should.  A few weeks ago Gramma suggested in our couple leadership planning meeting, that we do a service project and show our appreciation for all the people that help us as senior couples. Maintenance, the motor pool, technology, and others in the Church Service Center all do a lot of work. It was decided to put together large plates of cookies for the different departments. All the sisters made cookies and we met and put together the plates.

Gramma was selected to do all the cards because of her beautiful penmanship. 

Here was the finished product. 

One of the interesting things about the Church schools here in Samoa is the interest in parent teacher conferences. These parents hope their students are doing well in school because they know that education provides the best future. The parking lot is full; they have a hymn, an opening prayer, and the instructions from the principal.

The parents wait for the conference to begin both inside and out of the building.

And with that the conference begins and they wait in line for their chance to talk to their student’s teacher.

On Friday night the Assistance to the President stopped by to give us a package of music that Gramma had me order from Amazon. They mentioned that they had been in Savaii all week and was unable to make dinner appointments in their assigned ward. The Samoan ward members in the missionaries’ assigned ward provide the evening meal for the Elders and Sisters every day but Monday. Gramma Hammond (thinking of someone is hopefully feeding her grandson Jonah), invited them (there were 4 of them) to dinner the next day and prepared a great meal that they enjoyed. I warned her that feeding missionaries is like feeding stray cats, they will show up again. She responded that was fine. It is neat to have them in our humble little apartment and get to know them better and hear of their experience as missionaries.

Well, we are off to our Ward now, we have Elders there, but we don’t get to invite them to dinner because they are not to leave their area. Gramma has though, taken meals to them at their apartment before. We continue to teach our classes. We have built some good relationships and are starting to feel closer to the teachers and staff than any time during our mission. Just as you start getting comfortable the time comes to return home. We will forever be impacted by the experiences and the people we have met here. We love our mission; we love you, and pray each day for the Lord to bless. Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma Hammond

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