Friday, April 10, 2015

A night in the trees……..

Ever since she first saw it and went on a guided tour, Gramma has wanted to spend a night at the Tree House Resort up on the top of the mountains in a rain-forest. After 15 months we finally made it this week. It was very interesting. The tree house was on Thursday, but on Monday the Stonehocker’s were here and they wanted to go out to dinner. They don’t get as many opportunities to eat out in Savaii as there is here, so we went with them and the Layne’s. The place they had reservations was not serving dinner that night there had been some kind of mistake (welcome to Samoa). So we went over to the Apia Harbor and ate there. They served some interesting food, but it was good.

This house is on the way to Daisy’s and we pass it every time we take things to the Elders that live in their apartment next to her house.

Well the big day arrived. Out of the car, by the patio, up the stairs, catch your breath and look at the neighbors, and in the door.  

This place has about as much room as a camper, but Gramma loved it. I was not as enthused.

 Here is the kitchen area, the bathroom, and the bedroom. That net over the bed is not for looks. It is to keep the mosquito's and other bugs from eating you while you sleep. This is in a cleared area of a rain-forest. You also have insect repellent rings lighted and burning (smoldering) all the time.

All this can’t dampen Gramma’s enthusiasm; it is a nice place to read, the view is great, and it is very quiet. 

Dinner at the lodge was good. Probably one of the best meals we have had in Samoa. The view from the lodge to our “tree” was pretty too.

Gramma thought she was really funny taking this picture of me in bed. So I got one of her reading. I really didn't sleep that well, I would roll over and get caught in the net.

From the porch there is a beautiful view, but I had to go to the edge to get a good picture of it. 

Gramma wasn't sure if I was taking good enough pictures so she took this group. They look just exactly the same to me. 

We had breakfast out on the observation platform. Breakfast was eggs, toast, papaya, and bananas. I took another picture of our neighbors, what interesting trees. There was also a pretty view of the lodge from where we ate.

Before we headed home we put on our swim suits, and then headed off to Gramma’s favorite beach to find sand dollars. Notice the white legs? That is why I had to wear my sun glasses. 

 Then it was going back home to do laundry and get ready for the coming week. This is the last school break until we head home so we tried to make the most of it. The missionary route on Monday and teaching a class in Sauniatu on Wednesday made it a short week, but it did provide some recovery time. We hope all is going well with all of you. We think of you often, pray for you daily, and miss seeing you. Do what is right and may God bless you all. Tofa Soifua, Gramma and Grampa Hammond.

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