Saturday, March 14, 2015

A wet week inside and out………

We had quite a bite of rain this week and we also had water inside our apartment. I had been feeling under the weather for several days, so I went home at 10:00 to take a long lunch and try to catch a little nap. I just got down on the couch when I heard a pop and the sound of running water. Up I went and in the kitchen there was water running out of the bottom of the sink cabinet. The hot water connection had burst and hot water was spraying everywhere. It was too hot to turn the controls so I turned on all the hot values in the bathroom (sink and shower). When the water cooled down I still couldn’t get the old valve to turn and shut off. Water an inch deep on the floor, I drove to maintenance and asked them to come over. I started sweeping water out the door, drug out the rugs, and started to mop. In about 30 minutes things were under control. No nap and back to work.

 It was a pretty busy, normal week until Friday when we had a school assembly on the importance of family history. Elder Alan Packer of the Seventy was the presiding authority. The students from the college and the middle school were in attendance. It was a big group. Notice in the first picture there is a person standing in the middle of the students. He leads the students in cheers, songs, drumming on their chairs, and even Hymns it is something to behold and very entertaining.

Then the guest’s arrived. They were Elder and Sister Packer, Brother and Sister Brimhall (over the church family history department), and Brother Rockwood (over the international family search program). The Brimhall’s took a selfie with that large group of students in the background. Then spoke to the students. Brother Rockwood told a family story of his adopted Samoan sister and her impact on his life. The Elder and Sister Packer then both spoke. All the talks were excellent and the students were very interested and attentive.

 At the end there was the traditional gift giving to the guests.

This little guy kept walking around Gramma and I. I took his picture, Gramma wished she had some candy, but she didn’t.
 Saturday morning we went back to this home that doubles for an art studio. Gramma had ordered some combs and we went to pick them up. We had an appointment to get them a 10:00, they were not quite ready so we didn’t leave until 11:30 (fa’a Samoa). It was beautiful spot up on top of the hill.

On Saturday afternoon we had a special meeting with Elder Packers group that included the Senior couples and mission leaders (the A.P.s and zone leaders). They encouraged the missionaries to do their own “Family” book and discuss the importance of family history to their investigators. They stressed how it was important to have them experience the spirit of Elijah. It was a great meeting. 

 After the meeting 5 couples and one of the single sister missionaries went out for pizza at this restaurant. One of the couples, the Bennett’s was going back on Sunday to their mission in New Zealand after a 4 week assignment here in Samoa.

We are excited about the coming week. We get to go on our route, and get to see the Elders and Sisters. It has been a month since we last got to visit them. We hope all of you are doing well. We know that many of you are making important decisions, remember the Lord can help you. I am always telling you to go to church, there is a reason. Elder Packer told us three ways to get personal revelation. First, prayers, second, reading the scriptures, and third attending our church meetings. We hope you all will follow that counsel as you make these important choices. We love and miss you, may God bless each of you. Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma Hammond

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