Saturday, March 28, 2015

A very active week……

There were a lot of activities this week, rugby, cultural day, and netball. Net ball is a girls’ basketball game they play; it is very popular here in the South Pacific. They even have professional teams in New Zealand and Australia. They usually play it on a wood court, but they play on the field here in Samoa. They can’t dribble the ball you have to throw it. There is not backboard, the net is just out of the end of a pole. Part of the team can play two thirds of the court and others on the team play on the other two thirds. Once they get set, you have to let them shoot. It is boring and Jessica, you would go crazy if she had to play it. I say it boring, but the fans got out of control and had too much to say so they ended up calling this game. Here are a few pictures.

 They had a cultural day at the middle school and the students had a lot of fun activities.

At our class (Human Growth and Learning) Brother Filipo presented his chapter. Last year he taught at Sauniatu, but they transferred him to the Pesega Middle School. 

Gramma is up a 5:00 every day but Monday (we have devotional on Monday with the schools teachers) to teach piano lessons. Here are some pictures of her students. First Neal, and then Neal and Jerry, they are brothers. The last one is Dennis, he is a senior and plans on going on a mission this coming year.

 As Gramma stated in her last newsletter, she wants more pictures of the people we work with and less tourist pictures. The first Picture is Sua, he is the audio-visual person and has to set up and take down all the sound equipment for assemblies, dances, and other activities. They love their sound systems here in Samoa so he has a big and important job.
This is Sa, she is the administrative assistant to the principal and she is very organized and dependable.
 This is Brother Leauanae, the principal and Brother Elisara one of the vice principals. They are usually in white shirts and ties, but it was Friday and they get to dress more causal on Friday. They both have good sense of humor and we have a fun time working with them.
This is Phyllis. She is the school secretary and like most school secretaries is very busy and never has a time to call her own.
 We had a senior missionary activity on Saturday. Five couples and one of the single sisters made it to Matareva beach. It is one of the beaches we went to with Joy/Wayne and Matt/Cristina. Gramma actually went in the water for most of the time, but she did not put her head under water. The first picture is her bobbing in the ocean with Sister Satiu. Her and her husband work at the temple, they are from New Zealand. The next picture is her husband swimming with Elder Layne the Dentist. We took pictures of the whole group. The first group picture is mine and I think Elder Layne took the second. I thought mine was best.

It was good to have an activity away from work. We had not been to the beach since the family was here. The number of couples serving right now is down from when we first came to Samoa. We use to have three districts in the couples zone, but we cut it to two districts. We have another busy week coming, but it ends on Thursday because of the national Good Friday holiday on Friday. We then have a week break; I am not sure who needs it more us, or our students. We hope all of you got a little bit of a spring break. Time is going so fast it won’t be long before summer is here. We love and miss you all. Be good and do what is right. The Lord is blessing us with the strength to accomplish all that we have to do. He will bless you too. Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma Hammond

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