Friday, February 13, 2015

Starting to get busy………

Well, things are certainly getting busy and this coming week with the Aland’s (our ITEP coordinating couple from New Zealand) and the Spencer’s (the couple we replaced here in Samoa) visiting us it will get even busier. Besides our visitors and our classes, we are teaching an in-service on Wednesday.  Busy as we are, we still have a little fun. We went for Chinese last Saturday with some of the couples. Four couples leave in the next couple of weeks and they will be missed. Only the Layne’s have been here longer than us, and the Stonehocker’s, Jacksons came out with us, so we are becoming the couple veterans here on the island.

We had a beautiful sunset the other night with a strip of blue in the middle of it. I tried to get a good picture, but it didn’t turn out as well as I would have liked.
 We have a new TVET couple coming at the end of May. They are the Gillette’s from Gooding, Idaho. They are farmers and will be helping get the Agriculture program started again here at the college. They are excited to come to Samoa and we are anxious for them to get here. I took some picture of the vocational buildings for them and I don’t think I have shared pictures of those buildings on the blog before.

Elder Simati that was one of the first missionaries on our mail route went home this week. He was always smiling and had a twinkle in his eye. We got to say our good byes to him this week.
 With visitors coming and a rough and muddy ride to Sauniatu this week, I had the car washed. This is where I usually go to have it washed and they do know how to clean up a car.

On Friday afternoon they had a school dance at the college to celebrate a new start of the school year. The music was so loud that when I stood on the stage to take these pictures, it vibrated the bottoms of my feet.

 They had a contest between representatives of the three grades on who could dance a shake out the most ping pong balls tied to their waists. It was a little wild. It was so hot at this dance; notice the wet shirts of the boys in the dance contest.

Well, that is this past week. Gramma thought it went real slow, but I thought it went fast. She is teaching 17 piano students in the mornings and some days after school, so maybe that is why it seemed like a long week. We love and miss all of you and hope that as springs arrives you will be blessed. We pray for the Lord to bless you each and every day, some times more than once. Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma Hammond.

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