Friday, February 27, 2015

Missionary day at the Pesega Middle school…..

Weeks seem to blend together here is Samoa. Last week ended with Gramma taking Sister Aland and Sister Spencer to one of her favorite places the Plantation House. I took a picture, but it so humid that my lens fogged up before I snapped the picture. 
On Sunday after church we took the Aland’s to get on the ferry to go to Savaii. They stayed there one night and part of the next day. They took the big ferry both over and back.

After letting them off at the pier we stopped at the Aggie Gray Resort on the way home. We had never been there and Gramma wanted to see if it had a gift shop that she could come back to when it was not Sunday. No gift shop, just Palongi’s with bad tans. It was a fancy place and quite beautiful.

On Monday the Aland’s returned and I picked them up at the ferry. They came on the 2:00 ferry so they could be on the big one. That put them at the wharf at 3:00. I took a picture of the ferry pulling in and tried to catch them coming off, but I missed them somehow and had to hurry down to the terminal to find them. (The same thing happened waiting for Joy, Wayne, Matt, and Cristina at the airport.) They did not want to drive one hour to Apia and then one hour back so I left them at the airport. They had a 5 hour wait because the flight was delayed.

Gramma has done it again. She said she would help the Alamagoto ward with their choir for their ward conference. Their Bishop, Bishop Monoa, is such a nice person and appreciates the help so much it was impossible to say no. So three nights this week was choir practice. The good thing is they do not go over one hour and they start on time.
 Good news, they are starting to work on the bumpy Sauniatu road. They have graded about one kilometre of the 7.5 kilometre’s on the road. The bad news is that they will not be doing it all.

Friday they had “missionary day” at the middle school and they had activity areas all involved around missionary work and they all came to school in missionary dress. There was a sunrise devotional, I made it to that, but Gramma was teaching piano students. Elder Fata the area seventy spoke, it was very good. I didn't get picture of the sunrise service but here are some of the other activities. 

They would rotate to the different stations. Some were presentation on certain missions, and others on teaching. There was even a demonstration by the Assistance’s to the President of the Apia Mission.

The next pictures are of Teachers that have taken or are now taking classes from us. Sister Ah Hoy, she was in charge of the missionary day.  Next, Queenah, one of the school counselors, and Sisters Fepuleai and Tulaga two teachers that are completing their student teaching this term. 

The last two pictures are of students in our ward before they divided it, Irica and Betty.

Today we are doing laundry and packing for our trip to New Zealand. I had to buy a new suitcase to replace the one that Matt took Gramma’s Samoan drum home in. We are looking forward to an inspiring conference. We will get to see the other ITEP missionaries in the south pacific and hear from the Area Presidency. We love and miss you and pray each day for you. The Lord watches out for those he loves and He loves everyone. Be good, do what is right, and remember to look out for one another. Tofa Soifua, Gramma and Grampa Hammond.

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