Friday, October 3, 2014

Rugby and other fall (spring) activities……

Fall usually means football, in fact we are right now watching to kickoff show on KBYU for the Utah State-BYU game. But here in Samoa Rugby is king. The Rugby League has a tournament for the high schools (colleges they are called here, and they go to grade 13). The tournament was here at Pesega, because the Church has two fields and they are the nicest fields in Apia. The teams play several games each day, it went for two days. 
In between the college games the middle schools play a sort of JV games. They were actually some of the most exciting. 

During the breaks they deliver food for the players. The second picture is our coach Edwin Mulitalo handing out meals. He played for 10 years as a lineman in the NFL. He started for the Baltimore Ravens for eight years and played in a Super Bowl. He has taken a couple of classes from Gramma and I and is really a nice guy.   

Sorry, but I had to give another example that Samoans “always find the shade”.   
Here are two more examples for “fall” in Samoa. Remember those beautiful green trees covered with red flowers? Here’s how they look right now. I also have another fall like picture from our day at Sauniatu. 

On our trip delivering water and mail this week, I took a picture of Gramma and a couple of Sisters we visit. The lady next to them is the mother of one of our single adults at Motootua. These sisters live in the building to the left, pretty humble circumstances. 
This is where we stopped to eat our little lunch. What a beautiful place to eat. 

On Friday we went to a baptism. Gramma’s good friend, Dasiy’s son Jessop was baptized. Here is the folder (we forgot the camera) and it has an interesting suggestion to remember the importance of baptism, Kit-Kats. 

We got candy lays, Gramma gave hers to the Full-time missionaries Elders Erickson and Vavai. Here is mine. 

I am trying to get the blog done quickly today (Saturday), because when general conference starts tomorrow it almost shuts down the internet in Samoa. Teachers have been told not to use their computers on the Church school system on Monday, all the band width is needed for the translation department. They show all of conference here next Saturday and Sunday. We have had a good week got to call Joy, Claudia, and Max. We will try calling the rest of you this coming week. We have  mission president interviews next week. We didn’t have that with our old mission president. We love and miss you all and will be praying for you as always. Be good, go to church, and be helpful to others. Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma Hammond

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