Friday, October 24, 2014

Enter to Learn-Go Forth to Serve………..

Because of the many days of rainfall here in Samoa the school has covered walkways to almost everywhere on campus. Last spring they put a covered walk way across the road in the middle of campus. This week they were able to install the signs for the Middle School and Pesega College. Here is the entrance and the departing signs. It is significant to this special Church school.
We went to another Fia Fia show, this time at the Traditional Resort. The Williams (the dentist from Pocatello) and the Harpers (tech specialists from Boise) had not been to one so several of the couples went to the show on Thursday night. The food was not as good as the first show we went to, but the shows were about the same.
It was sort of our 46th Anniversary dinner (it was really Saturday the 25th), the MC did have us recognized. Here are a few other shots.
We had to put air in one of our rear tires. Gramma took a picture of their sign. “Air Prizes”, I think they mean “air prices”. The sign on the other door that we didn’t take a picture of said, “we are a Famlee business”. We hope their schooling was not at Pesega.
We are observing teachers teaching as part of the Pedagogy class we are teaching at Sauniatu and Pesega, here is Gramma in a class with Sister Losi at Sauniatu.
It was the last time with the Institute choir. ( As Gramma stated in her email, the Mission President told us we had other things we needed to be doing, which with the new term is very true).They practiced and sang at the awards devotional. Gramma gave out some certificates for choir attendance. Here are some of the students she has worked with.
I have sent several pictures of the Samoan Buses and told you how they pack people two and three deep in them in the mornings and at the end of the day runs. Their bus at Sauniatu broke down so they rented one to use until their bus is fixed. It took some pictures of the inside to give you a little better idea of what they are like.

It is Saturday and we are about done with the blog, laundry, graduation choir practice (Gramma is doing that too), and hope to shop and relax on our anniversary. Maybe we will get some pictures. Our ward is meeting a 10:00 instead of the regular 9:00 and is having Priesthood and Relief Society first. The rumor is they may divide our ward and one other ward and make one new one, but I don’t believe anything till I see or hear it here in Samoa. We shall see. It is getting hotter and we are a little nervous of the coming monsoon season. It would be nice to experience it without a Cyclone. We love you all and think of you often. Be good, go to church, and love one another. Hope all you Utah folks had a good holiday.  God Bless you, Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma.

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