Saturday, June 28, 2014

Singing, Dancing, and Sealing’s…….

It’s been another wild week here in Samoa. It started on Sunday with Stake conference and all the choir programs and practices. We went to the ward choir practice and 3:00 on Sunday afternoon after singing in that morning at Stake conference with the stake choir and then went to the choir program at Pesega Lua which went until 9:30. I have never sat in a steel folding chair that long before. We did look nice however. The first picture is Gramma and I in our Stake choir outfit. I have a red tie, her new red dress. When we sing with the ward choir I have a Yellow tie and she has an all-white dress. When Gramma conducts the Pesega Lua (2nd) ward she has a white dress with a red lava-lava. It is hard for old people to keep it straight.

The next picture is of some of the older ladies in our ward. They love Sister Hammond and treat us so kindly. The white haired lady is Sister Jessop and she is related to the Tabernacle Choir Jessop’s.   

On Tuesday we were invited to the CCWS (Church College of Western Samoa) Alumni program. CCWS is the old name for the Church College of Pesega where we train teachers. The program was to start a 6:00, but as you can see below it did not. The next picture is 7:00 and they did get started. 
The MC was from Hawaii, she was a good ad-libber and believe it or not she has a connection to Rockford/Thomas, Idaho. 

The next pictures are some of the program. The last picture is a skit by the class of 1970.   

The next two pictures (they are not very good pictures) are of our Secretary at Pesega, Sa, and the principal at Sauniatu, Steve. Everyone in Samoa loves to perform.  
Steve reminds us of Stacy Jackson. The next two pictures will bring back some memories to LaRay. The lady in the picture is Helen Evans she grew up in the Rockford/Thomas area and is a sister of Bruce Evans the northwest stake patriarch. She went on a mission to Samoa in 1956 and after being released she stayed to help teach at the school until some new teachers were to come and ended up dating Sam Atoa. They went back home to Idaho and were married in the Idaho Falls Temple. They returned to Samoa, had a family and he was a very respected person here. He died in 1998, but was in the first stake presidency in Samoa, was stake president a few years later when they divided the stake and he and Helen served as Samoa Apia Temple President and Matron. The second picture is a farewell dance, and I don’t know who the guy with the tattoos is, but the lady in the yellow is Helen's daughter. They all live in Hawaii now.

On Wednesday school was out at noon so Gramma and I went to the south side of the island and went swimming. Well, I went swimming; Gramma waded and looked for shells. She said salt water would make her hair hard to color when we got back. As she was coloring her hair I got checking my phone, I had left it at home, a strong feeling told me to go back and get it, but we were in a hurry. When we got home there was a text message saying Nossy, the choir director, her family was going through and being sealed in the temple. Gramma hurried and I went over to find out what time the sealing was at and we made it. The pictures are outside the temple after the sealing, needless to say it was very nice. 
Thursday, there was a big goodbye to the Pacific Area President, Elder Hamula and his wife. Believe it or not there was more singing and dancing. 
We had Friday afternoon off so I decided to back track the time we got lost the second week we were here. I am still puzzled how I got lost. We stopped to see the turtles on our way. 

We also saw some pretty things as well as some of the poverty here on the island of Upolu.   
I did find where I made the wrong turn so it was a shorter trip than last time and it is a good thing, we had a choir practice a 5:00. That night we were invited to Pesega Lua’s ward fia fia celebration. It is their ward conference Sunday so they have a party with food, dancing, and entertainment. We never had a party before ward conference in Pingree Second! 

Sister Hammond and I were treated very nicely and got to sit at the table with the Stake presidency. The other couples here are members of the ward.   
Did I mention they danced! 

Yes, that is Sister Hammond and I am glad she is covering her face so our new mission president can’t see who she is. She out danced them all and I even moved around a little too. This was supposed to be a slow week. If I have any more of these slow weeks I may burn out. We love you and Gramma will get the family email out on Monday. You can feel the spirit of the Lord here in the mission field. We hope the spirit is touching your lives, if not, seek the spirit to make it happen. We are excited that you are going to be able to get together as a family. I am putting Connor in charge of making sure everyone shuts the door. We love you, thanks for all the help at home that makes it possible to serve here without worrying about our house. God bless you, Tofa Soifa, Elder and Sister Hammond


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