Saturday, June 14, 2014

Goodbyes, Classes, and another English Day…..

All the senior couples in the Samoa Apia Mission had a special family home evening for President Leota and his family they are leaving in a few weeks. 

They shared their testimonies and goodbyes. They have worked hard and head home with a lot of memories. 
Here they are with their only grandchild, their son and his wife came from Australia to spend the last couple of weeks with them here.

There was food so the Assistance's to the President showed up, they are good hard working Elders.   
The couples presented the Leota’s a quilt. Here is a picture of it and Sister Stonehocker's iPad picture of it. 

Next is a picture of Gramma teaching our student teachers seminar. We had to do it in our office because of all the rooms being used for student testing. Notice the hand gestures. She does a great job and these three sisters are good teachers.   

Here we are getting ready to speak on “The Importance of Learning English” for the high school student body. Yes, it did happen after waiting three months and four postponements. The choir number listed on the Program below was a number Gramma work on with the choir the past weeks it sounded very good. 

It was another long day. The Goodlets judged the spelling bee, and we judged most of the others.   

Here Gramma is explaining with hand gestures again and I am replacing electrolytes by drinking the juice of the young coconut. The juice is from young coconuts, they look orange on the tree. Gramma doesn’t like the taste, but what does she know, she doesn’t like the taste of Spam. 

As usual there was lots of singing and entertainment. The last picture of the three brothers singing was actually great, they sing very well together with excellent harmony. 
We had to literally run from the Gym to the Library to set up the computer and DVD for a two hour professional development for the middle school teachers. That went well, if fact we had a good (but busy) week. With starting our new classes, choir practices, professional development, and student teaching seminars along with all of Gramma's piano lessons. That is what makes time fly. This next week marks five months on our mission. It is hard to believe. Hope you all are having a good summer, it sounds like you are all busy. We pray each day that you will be safe both spiritually and physically. Pray for us that our energy level will continue to meet our needs. We know the Lord is blessing us, and he will bless you. Tofa Soifua, all our love. Gramma and Grampa Hammond.

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