Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Final Chapter of a great spiritual experience……

On the final Sunday in Samoa we were asked to share our testimony in Stake conference. Gramma accompanied the Stake choir and shared the piano for the last time with Daisy.

Dasiy came over for good-byes and she and Gramma tried on their dresses were sewn last September, that they didn’t dare wear. Celeste also came and said good-bye.

It was the last senior couple family home evening for us we will miss this group of wonderful people.  

Off to the Apia airport, with the Jacobs. 

Then we arrived in New Zealand to a customs hassle and a hotel stay at “The Spencer” with the All Blacks rugby team. I got a picture only of their bus.   

On Wednesday the Spencer’s graciously took us to several nature reserves and beaches so we could see that Auckland is just not about traffic jams. We saw some beautiful places. It was a little cool (it is winter there now).  

On Thursday after giving our exit report to the Church education people, the Spencer’s took us to the airport. We stopped one more time to a special city park where you can see almost all of Auckland. It was very windy there, but a beautiful view. 

At the airport waiting for the flight we ran into a Tongan missionary going home and one of our own traveling back home with his parents. All their flights left, ours did not. 

Our flight cancelled we waited with about 70 others to check in a hotel for about 3 hours sleep. I will say no more here about the fiasco our airline trip home became. 

The Idaho Falls airport was a delight with signs and cheering grandchildren. More signs at home and time at last with family and friends.  

Saturday night we were release by President Hawker and on Sunday we reported to the Ward, friends, and family. Tofa Soifua, Samoa you will forever be a part of our lives and thoughts. We love that special place and its wonderful people. We are so thankful for the great spiritual experience of serving a mission!

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