Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas, Conference, and other adventures…….

Our Stake had a Christmas party on the Friday before the Stake conference. On Sunday they called a new Stake presidency. The Christmas program went about 3 and one-half hours. They decorated the stage and came early for good seats.

There was singing, and dancing, and singing and dancing. There was even a nativity scene with a live baby.
Here is Daisy and Gramma catching their breath. There is reason she is holding a fan. You never want to go to a meeting without one.
The day finally came. The Goodlets left for the airport heading for New Zealand and then home. The neighbourhood is a lot quieter with them not here, and they are deeply missed by many people.
We covered up our office and left it to the contractors until the end of January. We moved into House 22 as a temporary office.. It is a four bedroom house that we are sharing with about 12 other people. We are in one bedroom with the two School counselors. The internet is a little iffy, but we will do our best.
Every time we have driven by this art studio on Mondays Gramma has wanted to stop. With no classes this week we did. The outside was interesting the art was not.
This is a picture of Elder Naisali, Gramma, and Elder Mulitalo. Gramma and Elder Naisali are on the porch standing and Elder Mulitalo is on the ground two steps down. He is large (about 350 pounds) and can’t understand why his bike tires and wheels are always having to be replaced. We do understand.
This was supposed to be a picture of these kids bathing and shampooing their hair, but the minute you bring out a camera Samoans pose.

After we got moved into our new office on Tuesday, we took a couple of hours and visited a Congressional Church museum. Lots of wood carvings and other art. There is a story (verbal history) attached each of these carvings.

This Fale with a tree growing up in the middle of it has always caught our eye, but we never had time to stop and take a picture. This day we did have time, and kids across the street yelled at Gramma to take their picture. She did take a picture and the boy sitting in the wheel barrel has not a stitch of clothing on. 
That is this weeks adventures. We had planed on going to American Samoa next week , but a on-line conference with Bruce Yemen, the principals, and the other ITEP missionaries may delay that a little. That is the problem with planning too far ahead. We love you all, hope that your having a lovely Christmas season, and ask the Lord to bless you with the true spirit of Christmas. Tofa Soifua, Gramma and Grampa Hammond

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