Monday, November 17, 2014

Birds, Cows, and Classes……

It has been a busy few weeks as we try to complete our three ITEP classes, prepare for next term, and get everything else done. We have three days of training with BYU this week and between that, end of year activities, testing, and everything else, we feel a little stressed. We did have a surprise Sunday morning when the Krispy Kreme fairy arrived at our door (Sister Goodlet). She had heard us talking about not tasting a good doughnuts for months so she had a friend they met at the airport bring a box of Krispy Kreme's from Australia. They were good!
Gramma is still trying to get a good picture of this bird for Taft to identify. This picture is this week’s attempt. 
Speaking of birds, here is a mother hen and some of her chicks digging in some old grass. They found something they liked. When I got out to take pictures the rooster got a little upset and I thought for minute it was going to come after me. There are so many chickens on this island. In the early morning you will hear hundreds of them “cockle-doing” around the Pesega campus.
Here is Samoa’s version of the “Don Carter” family roundup. 
A mile or two down the road is a Samoan cowboy.
We are having 20 new Elders and Sisters coming into the mission this week and 20 leaving. Here are some of the effects on “our” group of Elders and Sisters. Here is Elders Moimoi  (left) and Ainoa. Elder Ainoa transfers to a new companion I don’t remember the name, but he is the largest Elder in the mission. He is 6’5” and weighs 350 pounds.  Elder Ainoa is quite small for a Samoan. Should an interesting companionship. Elder Moimoi is getting a new missionary from the states to train. The fale over the shoulder of Elder Moimoi is where they live and they do have mosquito nets!
Here is Elder Simati (left), no he is not a gangsta, and Unga. The guy on the far right is a ward member that was helping them with a service project that we interrupted. Elder Unga is from Tonga and he is moving to a new area in American Samoa. Elder Simati gets a new missionary.  One other change with our group is one of our district leaders, Elder Ramsey from Tonga, (not pictured), he is going home to Tonga this week.
As we make it around the south east tip of the island we can always tell if it has been raining a lot because this falls appears in the distance. It was flowing this day. 
Well, that it for the blog this week. We love your emails, pictures, and they don’t make us home sick, they just makes us think of how much we love you. Keep them coming. We are extremely busy, and time is going so fast, but we know we are doing the Lords work. Do what is right and remember to pray for us as we are praying for all of you each day. Tofa Soifua, Gramma and Grampa Hammond.

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