Saturday, July 12, 2014

First Mail run, sports day, and a movie.....

We started the week with the new assignment by our new mission president. Delivering water and mail to the Elders and Sisters in the South East Zone and two additional stops in Motootua and Vailima areas. There are 14 stops in all. We also have to check the church owned apartments for repair needs and cleanliness. We pick up letters to the Mission President from them and on the first of the month will deliver their monthly allowance. We also pick up the baptism records for their weekly baptisms. Here is Elder Siilata one of the Assistance to the President that went with us and will go tomorrow with us to see if we can remember all the remote stops in the villages. The three Sisters are a companionship, one of them goes home next month. They always have baptism records.
We are parked in the volleyball court which is also a parking lot.
These Elders are one of the last stops, you can see the size of the water bottles (the bottles really are much bigger than they look in this picture) and the little building in the middle is their house. It is less than 200 square feet.
This is Nu'utele Island and they say on a clear day you can see American Samoa from this vantage point. This is where the Tsunami hit in 2009 and 79 people died. We are up high because many of the villager's moved to a higher point on the island because of the frightening experience of the Tsunami.
The College had "Sports Day" on Friday and we put on our hats and went to watch. Sports day is just track and field. They have a national field day in two weeks and this is the way the college picks who represents them. Gramma was fascinated with the bare footed long jumpers.

Her Virgina genetics comes across in this photo. Don't you think she looks like a southern belle?
Here is one of the races.
Here is another example of what I have said before that Samoans can always find the shade.
Here is the shot-put and Discus.
Here is where you rest between events.
High jump. The girls were not going very high, I think I could of made this one without removing my missionary badge.
Saturday night we decided to go to the movies. "Maleficient" it was recommended by Olivia and it was a pretty good movie. They make a lot of noise in the theater so it is hard for old people to hear.
This is the theater and it has two screens and usually has new movies. It is 15 Tala a ticket (7.50 USD) so who is complaining.
Sorry for the short blog, but is was a busy week and we left our camera a couple times, so no pictures of some of the activities. We love all of you, we enjoyed our Skype session with most of you and hope everyone makes it home safely. It was hard on Gramma seeing most of you, we forget how much we miss you. We love our mission, but miss all of you. The Gospel is true, love one another and Gramma will email you with the details on Monday. Tofa Soifua, Elder and Sister Hammond.

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