Monday, April 14, 2014

The South-East corner of Upolu….

We took one more trip with the Stonehockers and the Goodlets  to the South-east end of the Island on Friday.  To get there we take the road along the coast that we take to Sauniatu and go past the turn off up the cross island pass.  We stopped on a turn off road and looked down at Fagaloa bay. 
You can see the road heading down to the village and that is where that road ends.

Here is a close up of the Village.

There are a lot of small fales along the way. Yes, that is where some people live. 

There are four small islands near the shore on the south-east corner of Upolu. Here is Fanuatapu Island and Namua Island with three little boys playing in the low tide.   

This is looking back the other way. This little boy spoke Samoan with Gramma. She did pretty well.

This is Nuutele Island and in the background is Nuulua Island behind it. Nuutele use to have a lepor colony on it.   
Here is another view with Gramma from a rebuilt resort down the road. 

This is one of the areas that where the devastation by the 2009 tsunami. It really affected their main resorts. 23 people died in the tsunami. This area has the beautiful white sand and they are still trying to get restaurants and fales restored. I didn't take any pictures of the destroyed buildings. Most of them were back away from the beach.

Here is the beach where we went swimming, looking both ways. The water was beautiful and the sea shells were of a different variety so Gramma collected a few more.  
Here she is in front of the fale we rented.  
Then we were off to see two new falls on our way back. The first was Sopoaga Falls. It was 5 Tala each to see. 
Above is Gramma in the beautful garden, below is a guy that looks like a tourist.

The next one was Fuipisia Falls. It is supposed to be the prettiest on the Island and it must be because it was 10 Tala each to see. 

Here in the background is the young lady from Denmark who hitched a ride back to Apia with us. Buses are not very reliable on that part of the island. The van had plenty of room and really, can you be any safer than with three Senior Mormon Missionary couples.   
Well, that’s all the adventures for this week. 

Next week on Monday we are are going with Goodlets and a Samoan family to some other part of the Island. We have Monday off for Easter. On Sunday we will have been on our mission for 3 months. It is hard to believe how fast time goes by. We love you all, be happy, we are doing our duty, loving the people and will return we hope with honor, Tofa Soifua, Grampa and Gramma Hammond

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