Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Three C’s, Choir, Classes, and Churches…..

You have heard a lot about all the choirs Gramma Hammond is involved in. Saturday we went to be recorded by the local TV, it started at 12:00 to practice and we were to be videoed  at 2:00 the power went out (happens a lot in Samoa) so it was after 4:00 when we were recorded, so we got home at 5:00 to go to another ward practice at 6:30. She (that means we) have to be at two Sacrament Meetings tomorrow. Well more on that in her email.
The pictures below are of the Stake Choir Fireside (2 hours 45 Minutes) on Easter Sunday. They filled the recreation hall, overflow, and chapel. He can turn the pews around here in the chapel because they are not fastened to the floor. 

Above are the two sisters Gramma works with in the ward with the music. Below are some people from two of the wards she helped.   

On are way to Sauniatu Gramma stopped these two and ask if she could take a picture. This is how they carry most things in the villages. Here is a load of coconuts and wood for the next big fire. 

Here are some of the 7 teachers in our class a Sauniatu.   
Thursday evening we had another activity with the senior couples. We went to one of the local resorts for traditional food and entertainment. We could see the half the pig in the kitchen while we were in the buffet line. They served us the other half. 

There was good food, I ate about everything but the raw fish soup. Gramma tried it. 

Here are some of the other Elders and Sisters. 
Then the show. 
Here is a demonstration of the many ways to wear a lava-lava. 

This lady is from Chile (that’s right Cristina, Chile). She teaches at the University and likes to dance so she performs this dance for the show.   
Here is the fire dance, it was impressive but hard to film. 

Here is all the cast it was a good show. 
On Friday afternoon we went on a new road with the Goodlets to the last village on that road its name is Saletele. There is a LDS branch there and their chapel is right on the ocean. That's it on the left.

This is the chapel. Can you imagine setting in meeting and having to ocean crashing just fifty feet away? 

Here are the rest rooms. 
They needed another classroom so they put up a tent. (Its on the left.)

In the flower bed is this plant with sharp points, they put pieces of coconut on the tips so the little kids don’t get hurt. 
Here are some little girls waiting for the bus ride home from school. Samoans are smart enough to always find the shade. 
Here is Falefa falls on the coast road. We past it every week when we take some teachers home after our class. 

Elder and Sister Jacobsen are coming Monday. They are the ITEP coordinators their office is in New Zealand. We will have two busy days with them. We don’t have to speak to the student body on the importance of speaking English until next term, but we have to speak Monday morning to the student body on another subject of our choice, we are very nervous about it. We hope the Lord will be with us. We didn’t think it would be this busy, but it has been. We are happy to have the good health to try and do all that we are ask. We love you all, do what is right. Tofa soifua, Elder and Sister Hammond